The Blog of Jas

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


So I'm back in the land of the clear skies, after having spent a week in Victoria. Good times it was. Watch this space for stories of the fun that was had (and photos). And bug me if I don't put anything up in a reasonable amount of time.

It kind of sucks to be back though. I mean, I love Perth... but when you spend a week fairly intensely hanging out with mates over there, and then drop back into the "real world", you feel it for a bit. Or at least I am. And MSN conversations have nothing on being with the people you've been hanging out with for the past week.

Is this the "grown up" version of the old "Post-Camp Depression" after youth camps?

I think this is part of my reasoning behind thinking about going over to Melbourne. Being able to actually be in the same city as the crew over there for a longer period of time and be in a bit more of realistic community than what you get over MSN and the occasional week-long hit-and-run visit. Of course, then I've got the same problem with the guys in Perth.


Yeah, this is emo-jas now. I'm sure I'll get over it soon enough.


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